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Monday, June 22, 2015

The Russian Batmobile Monster-Car.

             The Russian Batmobile Monster-Car.

June 22th, 2014 by 

Would you just look at that beast! Not much is known of this monster apart from the fact it spawned from some dudes backyard in Russia. Whilst it may look like a VW Beetle on steroids from a post-apocalyptic world, it actually spawned from a Nissan Maxima.  

A group of friends got together using the Maxima for the cockpit and as a source for other parts. The design was conjured using 3-D modelling software before being brought from Gotham to the real world. One thing’s for sure, if I saw that in my rear-view mirror I’d be sure as hell to move aside! Expect some more funny Russian dash cam videos to be hitting the web soon.  


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